Push Through

Sometimes, one of the most difficult things to do is to get started with something new. You’re unsure of what you don’t know. It feels like an insurmountable load of research you need to complete. You’re not confident that it’s going to play out in real life the same way you visualized it in your head. Or maybe you’ve simply allowed the thief of comparison to steal your joy. Your mind starts processing all types of questions. Do I have enough experience? Will it be well-received? Will it even take off? Should I add a few more bells and whistles before I actually share this with someone else…or even more…release it to the world? You’ve literally been able to come up with all of the excuses as to why, “It’s not ready yet.” Other times, it’s “the continuing” that seems difficult…especially when things aren’t like they were in the beginning. They are no longer as exciting as they once were. They don’t seem to be as advantageous as they used to be. The new ideas and creativity are no longer coming in at the same speed and frequency that they did at one point in time. The level of support and engagement has dwindled. The excitement has completely worn off and you’re now face-to-face with the reality of what’s before you. Will you stay the course? Or will you throw in the towel? Two roads diverge…and you have to choose one.

If either of those scenarios look familiar, let me encourage you to keep pushing! Both of these situations require us to look back and get (re-)grounded in “the why” behind it all. Presumably, the road that’s being followed was one that God led you to. It was your initial obedience that said yes. Yes to the brainstorming. Yes to the non-profit launch. Yes to writing the first chapter. Yes to outlining the podcast. Yes to leading the ministry. Yes to staying at home with your children. Yes to the new role or embarking on the road of entrepreneurship. Whatever it was that God placed on your heart…you said yes! Notwithstanding the yes, pushing through no matter what it looks like is still a common challenge many face. No matter what it looks like. No matter what it feels like. No matter how it seems. When we desire to be good stewards of the responsibilities God has trusted us with…finding a way to push through is crucial. It’s in those moments of opposition and resistance that it becomes imperative that we lean in a bit more and keep beating the pavement until we experience breakthrough. Now, that doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to take a minute to regroup and/or gather your thoughts. Those things are allowed - and even encouraged! We just have to know when we’ve overstayed the “minute”. And please also note, your “breakthrough” may not look like the next person’s. It may be breakthrough in your creativity. Breakthrough in your prayer life. Breakthrough in your gratitude for the current season. Breakthrough in your “fill in the blank.” Whatever it is, a big breakthrough is likely on the other side of the barrier you're battling.

Knowing…and remembering…the why is critical for many reasons. Knowing the why behind a thing gives us a firm foundation and positions us to make the right decision when the road gets tough. It helps keep us disciplined and stay on track. When the why is the driving force behind how we move, our entire perspective changes. Our intentionality shifts. Endurance kicks in when we need it most. Things are no longer solely dependent upon motivation. It’s so much bigger than how we feel. We can appreciate the importance. We can better understand the impact. We can finally see outside of the selfish lens that limited our thinking to somehow believe that it was just about us. It’s SO much bigger than us! When the why is identified and understood at the ground-level, our determination and diligence go up a notch. Focus is no longer negotiable and giving up is not an option. Ideas are no longer prematurely abandoned because the plan didn’t unfold exactly like we thought it would. Additionally, knowing the why helps you prioritize…and it helps you plan. New habits start to form and bad ones come to an end. And things that didn’t make sense once upon a time seem to come together…at the right time…for good. It’s a beatiful thing!

Unsure of the why? Well, as believers, one thing you can jot down for sure is advancing the kingdom. In addition to that, God gives each of us our own marching orders that require us to go through uniquely-designed routing. Continue to surround yourself with wise counsel. Continue to seek Him in prayer. Go to the One who knew the plans for you before you were in your mother’s womb. He will lead you to the answer. He will order your steps and direct your path.

Additionally, below are some notes to keep in mind when you need a bit of encouragement to push through.

  • You are never alone. God is always with you. He is there to strengthen you when you are weak. Seek His face. Request His presence. Sit at His feet. Get to know His character.

  • If God gave it to you, He’s not expecting for you to do it alone. He will equip you to see it through.

  • God’s grace is sufficient for you. He knows the path you’re on and will grace you for the race ahead. Just buckle up, keep your eyes on the road and allow the Holy Spirit to be your GPS.

  • You don’t have to worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow has enough going on. Focus on what’s in front of you, today. Sometimes we just have to take it one day at a time…and that’s okay!

Now, let’s get into the “questions of the blog” (QOTB).

QOTB: What’s something (or some things) you need to push through? If it’s something new, what are (3) immediate actions you can take to get the ball rolling? If it’s something you need to continue, for each roadblock that you’re facing, jot down at least (1) solution that comes to mind. [Don’t worry about the how…just start by identifying the solution.] What’s something you’ve pushed through in the past? How did you go about that? What challenges did you face? What are some scriptures you can meditate on when you need encouragement to push through?

Write down the things that are coming to you during this process - including the why - and put them in a place you frequent. Look at them as needed. Remind yourself. Encourage yourself. Surround yourself with people who will push you when you don’t quite have what you need to push yourself. Continue to seek direction from the Lord…He’ll never steer you wrong.

Be encouraged!


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Stop Searching


Cancel the Noise