Cancel the Noise

Noise cancellation headphones have to be one of the greatest inventions of all times. The ability to be present in an environment yet reduce (or cancel) the overall noise level is a huge benefit when you’re looking to focus. When you’ve identified the need to more consistently zero-in on what needs to be done, a practical way to increase the likelihood of productivity, effectiveness and efficiency is to do a quick inventory check.

Take inventory of the voices and/or thoughts (aka “noise”) that’s interfering with your ability to think clearly. Sometimes the noise is internal. The thoughts we entertain. The bad habits we’ve developed in our go-to train of thinking. The un-checked rabbit holes we can find ourselves going down that lead us…to nowhere good. The “what ifs”, “should’ve, would’ve, could’ves” and flat-out made up scenarios that aren’t likely going to happen, at all. Maybe the noise is fear-filled thoughts that are deterring you from doing the very thing God desires for you to do in this season? These are all red flags and clear distractions that we don’t need to spend time entertaining. Other times, the noise is external. It could be the physical environments we choose to be in when we’re looking to get things done. Maybe there are too many distractions in that space and/or the literal noise of the place interferes with our ability to focus on the task-at-hand. So, if you’re someone who recognizes that you do your best work when you’re alone and in complete silence, I think it’s fair to say that a popular coffee shop may not be the best place to go when you need to be focused! Or perhaps the external noise is coming from the people around us? The negative words they speak into and/or over our situation. The perspectives that just don’t align with where we’re heading. The misery loves company crowd that doesn’t quite understand the vision that guides your actions, etc. and the healthy boundaries you’ve put in place to stay true to what’s ahead.

If none of the above scenarios immediately resonate with you, maybe it’s the inability to be present in the moment? When you’re doing everyday life things. To give the person - or the people you’re with - the undivided attention they thought they were signing up for during your time together. Maybe there are so many other things going on in your mind and/or around you that keep you from being present during moments when you should be. Moments that you wish you had’ve been, when all is said and done. Maybe you can’t have a meal without having your phone on the table? Maybe you’re mid-conversation and you think of a “quick text” you need to send that somehow turns into a long conversation (taking you away from the person or people you were spending time with before the text)? Maybe you’re thinking about what’s next so much that you can’t experience the joy in what’s happening before you? Maybe it’s something else, altogether.

Or, maybe God isn’t getting your undivided attention? You set out to pray…then get distracted and never start. You’re sitting quietly in His presence…then thoughts of what all you need to get done drive you to cut the time short. You pick up your Bible to pray…but see a text message from your friend come through that takes your attention away from your study time. These are just some quick examples; there are plenty others, for sure. The point is, God desires your attention and cherishes your 1:1 time to relationship build - more than anyone on Earth. Are you fully present? Or do you need to cancel the noise?

When looking at Merriam-Webster, one definition of “noise” is as follows:

: any sound that is undesired or interferes with one’s hearing of something

There have been a lot of questions posed throughout this post, but in an effort to create space for you to further reflect and respond, let’s get into the “questions of the blog” before wrapping this up.

QOTB: If you were to take a quick 5-10 minute inventory of your life right now, what are the top 3 things that come to mind when you think about what could be interfering with your hearing? What’s interfering with your thoughts? What’s interfering with your ability to focus? What’s interfering with your ability to hear God clearly? Who are the people speaking into your life? Would you consider them positive voices? Are you fully present when spending time with people? If your honest answer is no, what are some immediate things you could change? What physical environment conditions are conducive for your ability to focus?

For some, it’s quite the hurdle to overcome, but it is okay to take inventory of what’s around you. In fact, it’s a responsible thing to do! If you can’t take the extra time right now, I encourage you to take some time within the next 24 hours to pinpoint the sources of noise in your life. And if you find that to be a challenge (and/or even if you don’t), go to God in prayer. Ask Him to show you what “noise” you need to take captive and make obedient to Him (2 Corinthians 10:5). Ask Him to show you what changes need to be made. And, of course, don’t forget that you can go to Him in prayer each time you sit down to get things done. He’s a God of the macro and the micro. There’s no request that’s too small for Him.


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