Get Up
I’m not sure who this is for…but, it’s time to get up!
Maybe you need to get up and write that book. Get up and start that business. Get up and read your Bible. Get up and go back to school. Get up and create. Get up and pray. Get up and move in a different direction, altogether. I’m not sure what it is, but I’m sure you do! Whatever it may mean for you, it’s time to stop being stagnant. It’s time to stop settling and/or overthinking the next move. It’s time to take action!
It’s true that seasons may come and go. And for some of us, unfortunately, we nestle into a season longer than we need to stay. Sometimes it’s too comfortable and we don’t feel like learning new territory. Or perhaps we allow fear to keep us from moving into the unknown. But if you’re reading this, consider it to be non-coincidental. You’ve played small too long. You’re not content - you’re complacent. You are well aware that there are some things that you should be doing differently, or new altogether.
So, consider this a friendly reminder and a gentle nudge in the right direction…and start taking steps forward.
Here are a few quick notes to reference when you could use a little encouragement in this area.
· Some progress is still progress. The path you take and the the path someone else takes doesn’t have to look the same. Don’t let comparison rob you of the progress you could be making.
· The goal isn’t perfection. Don’t allow mistakes or setbacks to discourage you from moving forward. Take notes and apply the learnings.
· It’s not too late. God’s timing and our timing are very rarely the same. If it’s something that He’s green-lit, it’ll come together with His help. Be sure to seek the Lord for guidance and strategy as you make your moves.
At some point within the next 24 hours, be sure to take some time to think about the “question of the blog”.
QOTB: What are (3) actions you can take to make progress on something you’ve put on hold and/or haven’t yet started?
Once you’ve identified those actions, write out a game plan and timeline to work against as you go. It can be high-level at first if necessary (or it can be more detailed if you’re ready for that). Wherever you land, just remember: some progress is better than no progress. Run your race and let the Lord lead the way.
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