En-Route Delays
I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that, at some point in our lives, we can all relate to the experience of being stuck in traffic. And as challenging as it may be for some, it’s also somewhat of a thought-provoking scenario. In these situations, you know where you’re trying to go - but also - you’re not able to get there at the speed and/or likely the time that you would like to arrive. Sometimes you’re even able to see that there are open lanes where others are moving; however, you just can’t get over to them as fast as you desire. It becomes increasingly apparent during these times that we have to be vigilant; that we are sober-minded, and that we are alert about what’s going on on the road. Sometimes there are accidents. Sometimes somebody slams on their brakes, and if we’re not paying attention, that can be very dangerous for everyone involved. It’s important that we keep our eyes open for any obstacles, any detours, or any sudden changes on the path that we’re taking. That we’re prepared to make the necessary adjustments and are free to pivot. That we keep our heads up and stay focused. This is not the time to entertain the seeds of doubt and discouragement. It’s definitely not the time to throw in the towel!
There may even be some construction signs that, at first glance, seem like an inconvenience. However, in actuality, they’re really there to help improve the process. To give warnings. To better protect those traveling on the road. Speed bumps and detectors are in place for safety reasons. They’re designed to slow us down. This slowdown isn’t punishment and doesn’t necessarily mean that we’re heading in the wrong direction. If you find that you’re easily agitated in those scenarios, you may just need to shift your mindset. It may be a red flag that there’s something in your heart that needs to be handed over to the Lord. Perhaps the slowdown is so that we can better assess what’s ahead. Or it could be that the slowdown is taking place so that we can learn to be more patient; that our faith may increase; or, there’s some other lesson on the other side that we just can’t appreciate yet. Or, maybe it’s just that we’re going so fast that we aren’t able to enjoy the beatiful scenery around us during this part of the journey. There’s something there that’s impacting our attitude of gratitude.
One day, as I sat in traffic, I thought about how challenging that can be at times. How it’s such an interesting parallel to consider, especially when “life is life-ing.” I couldn’t help but think about those moments when we’re in a situation that seems as though we should be going at a different speed. When you’re driving on the same path with others, who may appear to have fewer obstacles than you, and/or who’re presumably moving faster. And sometimes, that can be very frustrating...if we allow it to be. This can be especially true when you think I had the opportunity to get over in that lane, but I chose to stay here…so, now I’m stuck. The longer it feels like you aren’t moving, the more the questions start to build. Where are these hazards coming from? Why is there so much resistance? Should I try to get off this road? Am I even going the right way?!? You might even go as far as questioning your overall decision-making skills. Why didn’t I just go?!? This is a dangerous thought-process to follow. It becomes easier for thoughts to start trending toward second-guessing what was once so clear. But, as uncomfortable it as it may be at the time, it’s important that we operate on this journey with clarity, contentment and joy. That we continue to trust God and acknowledge that He’s in control.
It’s also critical that we don’t miss how key our heart posture is during these moments. That we can’t be driven by comparison and that we don’t host a pity party because things aren’t going our way. Sometimes we’re going to reach a route that we wouldn’t have otherwise…had we taken the more obvious road. Or, sometimes we will have missed seeing something that was important for us to see…but we wouldn’t have seen it if we were going too fast or we didn’t have any resistance along the way. So, next time you’re on a “road” that’s filled with traffic and/or detours; or, next time you’re in the situation that is moving slower than you would like…I challenge you to be patient and mindful of your heart posture. I challenge you to be content. I challenge you to be grateful. I challenge you to have joy. At some point, you will see the road more clearly. You will see the traffic lighten up. You will get to your destination. You will start to pick up speed. And, when it’s all said and done, everything will work out the way that is supposed to work out. Everything will work together for the good.
When you have a moment, spend some time in prayer, reflect on the QOTB and journal your responses if you can (recommended).
Do you know how to be still? If no, why not?
How do you typically respond when things aren’t moving at the pace you’d like for them to move?
How often, if at all, do you compare your pace to those around you? How does that impact your thought-life and self-talk?
What’s the difference between being content and being complacent?
What are some scriptures that you can begin committing to memory to help you in these moments? Identify them and put them in a place that you will see.
Stay the course!
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