Simply Believe
If there are certain things that you’ve set out to do that still appear to be insurmountable…this may be for you.
Even with all the mindset shifts and habit changes that you’re working to implement…truth be told…there’s likely a small voice of discouragement whispering in hopes of still having your ear.
But we have to remember…perception is not always reality. So, although it may appear to be this huge mountain that you have to get over, and the size of the mountain has successfully intimidated you up until this point…take a step back and breathe.
Yup, breathe.
Stop holding your breath while silently believing it’s not going to work - and that at some point - it’s all going to fail. That’s not helpful. That’s not fruitful. That’s not productive.
Today I’m challenging you to simply believe.
Unbelief is at the root of the procrastination.
Unbelief is causing confusion - because you want to and can’t figure out why you still haven’t.
Unbelief is allowing the distractions to be entertained.
Unbelief is fueling the tendency to compare.
Unbelief has caused you to believe that the excuses are actually valid.
Unbelief has been crippling your ability to make decisions and stand on them.
But, not today! Today we are choosing to believe (for this day and going forward).
No matter how big the mountain may seem, remember to break it down in a way that is digestible, manageable, and reasonable in your approach. Remember to invite God to lead the situation and surrender all of your personal desires and concerns to Him. Trust that He always has - and always will - know the best plan of approach for you.
Whatever it is that you’ve been procrastinating on because of fear; because of the unknown; because of comparison; because of feelings of inadequacy; because of unbelief, etc.; I encourage you to really take those things up in prayer. Come out of agreement with them and truly lay them at the feet of Christ…daily! Pay attention to the voices you’re entertaining, take them captive and make them obedient to Christ.
One of the things that we have to remember is that when we set out to do something that’s in the will of God…we do so knowing that the Chief Producer, the Chief Creative Director and the Chief Architect knows everything that we could possibly need to know. And not only that, we have the benefit of knowing that He’s with us. He’ll go before us. He’ll fight our battles. He will give us strategy and prepare the way. What a privilege!
When you have a moment, please take some time to reflect on the QOTB and journal your responses, if you can (recommended).
What are some go-to scriptures you can write down and/or commit to memory to encourage you?
How is unbelief interfering with your productivity?
What is at the root of the unbelief?
Have you truly invited God into that area (those areas) of unbelief?
What’s a lie you’ve been believing that you can immediately choose to reject and replace?
Also, please spend some time reading and reflecting upon 2 Corinthinans 10:3-5. And as you head into another week, do not go by what it looks or feels like. Instead, please go forward…believing!
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